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DC Just Retconned Some of Its Most Controversial Deaths

 The Flash #795 reveals the true fate of Wally West after he was vaporized, but he isn't the only DC hero who seems to have cheated death.

DC once again undoes the death of Flash Wally West, this time transporting him to an old locale with some shocking familiar faces.

The Flash's "One-Minute War" event sees Earth under attack from the Fraction, an alien race that uses the Speed Force to power its army's technology (weapons, vehicles, etc.) and easily ravage other worlds. Because the Fraction's conquest is taking place within seconds, the Flash Family is all that stands in its way, but an attempt to stop the alien race in The Flash #793 seemingly killed Wally West.

 Written by Jeremy Adams with art by Roger Cruz, George Kambadais and Fernando Pasarin, The Flash #795 reveals that Wally isn't dead, but has instead been transported to the Timepoint, now called "Planet Flash."Created by Epoch, AKA the "Lord of Time," Timepoint has served as a base for the villain and time-loop prison for heroes in the past. This locale exists outside normal space and time, and appears in titles like Hourman and JSA. At the end of The Flash #795, Wally wakes up in Timepoint, opening his eyes to see the prehistoric Flash and superspeed raptor vaporized in The Flash #768, the very first issue of Adams' Flash run. Gold Beetle, a time-traveling superhero co-created by Adams, then welcomes Wally to "Planet Flash," explaining, "It used to be called Timepoint, but we renamed it a while ago."

The "we" Gold Beetle refers to appears to be the very heroes accidentally murdered by Wally in Heroes in Crisis, a limited series by writer Tom King and artist Clay Mann. Released between 2018 and 2019, Heroes in Crisis saw a grief-stricken Wally lose control of his powers, causing the deaths of Arsenal, Poison Ivy, Lagoon Boy, Commander Steel, Blue Jay, Protector, Hot Spot, Gnarrk, Gunfire, the Tattooed Man and Red Devil.

In Adams' first Flash arc, Heroes in Crisis was retconned so that Wally's deadly power surge actually resulted from the villain Savitar manipulating the Speed Force. Almost all the aforementioned Heroes in Crisis casualties now seem to be alive and well on Planet Flash, save for the already revived Poison Ivy and Arsenal. Poison Ivy returned to life in a new body by the end of Heroes in Crisis, while Arsenal was resurrected following Dark Nights: Death Metal's reboot of the DC Universe.

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