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Alan Rickman had a very specific Emma Watson criticism in his diary entries

 Although Alan Rickman had plenty of scenes with adult cast members, he also spent a lot of time with the younger actors on set, such as Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint.

He was critical of their ability to remember lines, and was particularly critical of Emma Watson's acting ability. When discussing the children he shared scenes with, Rickman wrote:These kids need directing. They don’t know their lines and Emma [Watson]’s diction is this side of Albania at times.

“Plus my so-called rehearsal is with a stand-in who is French.These entries were written around the time of filming for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in 2004.But it turns out Rickman had serious doubts about his role in the franchise and came very close to leaving after only a couple of films.

While filming the second installment, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, in 2002, the actor suggested a discussion was ongoing about him leaving the franchise.He wrote: “Talking to [agent] Paul Lyon-Maris about HP exit, which he thinks will happen. But here we are in the project-collision area again. Reiterating no more HP. They don’t want to hear it.”

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