Two seasons in all of our young royals have changed and evolved somewhat but none more than so August the so called villain of the piece. Has he completely reformed and become a lovely standup guy? Absolutely not but thanks to a nuanced script and Malte Gårdingers own layered performance Augusts softer almost sweet side has started to emerge which makes August more fascinating than ever to watch.
Digital Spy spoke to Malte Gårdinger about everything his character goes through in season two including Augusts relationship with Sara and those final moments which change everything for him.Yeah. I think that this season really emphasises that in every character. We get to dive deeper into every single characters flaw but also the maybe better sides to each and every one of them.
The biggest challenge was to firstly just get back into that sort of space. Its the first time I have ever had to come back to a character. And also because its not really the same. He has changed a lot. That was a challenge to still be him and get back to a space but to also be in a completely different mind set. Not really. I feel like its always a bit uncomfortable. Theres one scene in particular where I am fully naked. I feel like thats more of a personal development type of thing like I am going to push myself.
Because I was fighting for August to be naked like where you see his butt cheeks. It was a good contrast to him speaking on the phone. I really wanted that. And I was happy with the results. I feel like it was a good experience. Our idea was to make it fun and sort of awkward. Because it is sometimes sort of awkward. But in good way. It does not have to be cringey that sort of awkward. It can be this sort of beautiful awkwardness where its nice. I hope we capture that sort of realistic awkwardness with the fiddling of the condom and the little giggles and the fumbling around.