Larry David has created two of the most popular comedy series ever with Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. But which series is a better watch?
To create one classic comedy series is an achievement on its own to create two takes a certain kind of talent. A kind of talent clearly possessed by Larry David the co creator of both Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. The two shows ushered in a span of nearly thirty three straight years of consistent success from a Larry David product with Seinfeld ending in 1998 and Curb Your Enthusiasm debuting in 2000. What is most impressive about these two shows is the longevity they both share with Seinfeld running for nine seasons and still flooding the airwaves in syndication today and Curb entering its twelfth season in 2023. But which of the two series is Larry Davids best? Lets examine the differences in the shows to get to the bottom of this Larry David mystery.
While both shows come from the same creative mind tonally they are completely different beasts. For all the adult themes that Seinfeld addressed throughout its run it always felt and still feels to this day like a show you could watch with your family.
It also explored philosophy in a much deeper way than most people would think from a comedy show. It was dubbed a show about nothing, but it was actually about everything. Curb on the other hand leans completely into the world of maturity both in its vulgar language and subjects Exploring the art of being a sociopath in the bluntest of ways. Obviously one of the biggest reasons for this is the difference between being on network television as opposed to being on a pay television network like HBO.