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Kanye West gets what he wants?

Tiktok star Mufasa narrated his experience of meeting with controversial rapper Kanye West, revealing the 45-year-old is a go-getter.

Speaking to Daily Star, the online star gushed over the Grammy winner's work ethic, saying, "Kanye was very driven, and it's like you can't tell him nothing. If he says he's going to achieve something, he will get it done – one way or another."

The groovy dancer revealed his time with Ye when he took him to his ranch, "Yeah, some celebs have reached out [to me]. One celebrity I got to hang out with was Kanye. He flew me out for a week to his ranch, we got to hang out and chat about many things.The Tiktok sensation continued, "He didn't want me to leave, but I had to fly out. It was my birthday weekend, so I wanted to celebrate with my family and my team. We hung out a few times after that."

The car dance famed, whose real name is Jeff Obeng, also explained his meeting with the 45-year-old.We talked about everything, but it wasn't really what he said that put a battery in my back. It was more of what he was doing – one moment he would make clothes, then an hour later he made music, and then he would have a board meeting all in the same space," Obeng revealed. He made me realise I wasn't working hard enough!

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