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Headway’s Repair Shop takes inspiration from hit BBC show

 A charity that helps adults with acquired brain injuries has launched a repair shop inspired by a popular television show.

The Headway Repair Shop by Headway Worcestershire is now open at their Worcester Daycentre.Inspired by the hit BBC1 show called ‘The Repair Shop’ - the local team and their clients have set up their own shop and are asking for your support.Clients of the local charity are repairing and revamping old furniture, giving them a new lease of life.

Headway Worcestershire’s chief executive, Mandie Fitzgerald, said: “Our clients have worked incredibly hard to clean, sand, prime and paint various items found in the Daycentre – the results speak for themselves!”Mandie and the team are now sending a shout-out to the local community to ask for any unwanted small wooden items that the clients can upcycle.

Mandie continued: “Since the project began, the woodwork workshop at Headway Worcestershire’s Worcester Daycentre has been bustling with energy and everyone involved would love that to continue."If you can help us, we’d really appreciate it!”Donations can be made directly to the Head Office at The Headway Repair Shop, The Mill, Gregory’s Mill Street, Worcester WR3 8BA.Please go to: www.headwayworcestershire.org.uk for more about the charity.

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