In 2021, Netflix premiered the first season of Young Royals featuring fan-favorite characters such as Wille (Edvin Ryding), August (Malte Gardinger), Simon (Omar Rudberg), Sara (Frida Argento), and Felice (Nikkita Uggla), to name a few. The story mostly takes place at the elite boarding school known as Hillerska.
Due to the success of the Swedish teen drama about young royalty, Netflix picked the series up for a second season that is scheduled to premiere in November of this year. After a year of waiting, fans are finally getting their first sneak peek at what's to come in season two of Young Royals - from seeing which familiar faces are coming back to getting their first-look at certain new characters.
With shows such as Elite, Sex Education, Heartstopper, The Umbrella Academy, First Kill, and Young Royals, Netflix's slate of LGBTQ-inclusive teen shows has been rather full in recent years. Young Royal fans had to wait quite a long time to get their first look at what season two will look like. Thankfully, though, Netflix has now released quite a few first-look pictures for fans to start speculating over.