The official continuity of Buffy the Vampire Slayer continued on in a series of comics where beloved Watcher Giles dies and returns to life.
While some Scooby Gang characters like Giles received happy endings at the conclusion of Buffy the Vampire Slayer canonical comic book continuations reveal a grisly fate for the Watcher. After the show ended with Season 7 several more seasons were produced in the form of official canon comics from Dark Horse Comics and creator Joss Whedon. While BOOM. Studios is currently continuing the legacy of Buffy through its Slayerverse the Slayerverse compiles stories from different universes of Buffy. Audiences follow the same characters with origins and mythos slightly tweaked from how they are presented in the TV show.
Although these multiverse stories are not necessarily non canon as they do not disrupt the main universe they don ot follow the same narrative precisely as the TV show. The comics crafted by Joss Whedon and Dark Horse Comics however are considered official canon to the main Buffy verse given that Whedon and FOX approved all stories at the time of publication. These canonical comic seasons allowed audiences to receive full closure for characters who may not have gotten such closure in the finale.
Take, for instance the Giles character. In the Season 7 finale Giles is seen taking part in the final battle and being one of its survivors. There is not any major indication for what will come next for Giles during the episode but his character continues to develop as one of the heads of a global Slayer organization in the comics. A secret alliance with Faith to kill a Slayer destined to bring about the Apocalypse leads to them exiting the organization. It is not until the introduction of a new Big Bad Twilight that Buffy and Giles reunite. It is through this encounter most notably seen in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 39 also titled Last Gleaming Part Four by Joss Whedon and Scott Allie where Giles is killed by Angel.
Through a complex ritual Angel is able to compile lost fragments of Giles soul and return them to his corpse. The ritual itself is successful albeit with side effects. Specifically Giles returns to the living not as an adult but as a child forced to relive his entire life all over again. This would not be a total loss, though as before the comic continuation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer concludes Giles is able to rekindle a romance with Olivia Williams seen in Season 4 of Buffy and is appointed the vice president of a reformed Magic Council working under President Buffy Summers. While Giles is able to eventually find closure he first had to endure a brutal death at the hands of one of Buffy the Vampire Slayers heroes.