Agent Samar Navabi Mozhan MarnĂ² showed up in The Blacklist is Season 2 as an Mossad agent who begins working with the FBI and later the FBI assigned to the task force with Raymond Reddington James Spader and Elizabeth Keen Megan Boone and later forming a romantic relationship with Aram Motabai Amir Arison. A very intelligent and skilled agent she was on the show through Season 6 when her character disappeared.
In Season 5 Episode 21 Lawrence Dane Devlin Samar was kidnapped by Lawrence Dane Devlin Pruitt Taylor Vince. After they struggle and he drives them off the road she has hurt and stuck in the van when a bear comes along and pushes the van into a small pond. Aram ends up finding her but she has been submerged in the water for several minutes by the time she hass revived doing extensive damage to her brain. While the doctors say she can not breathe on her own and they do not know if she ever will Aram refuses to leave her side playing music to try to reach her.
Eventually Samar awakens but she soon starts having trouble with her speech and language such as calling 119 when she meant to call 911 and forgetting words. Viewers may have missed the text message Aram sees on her phone that signals the disorder her drowning has brought on.
In Season 6 Episode 11 Bastien Moreau of The Blacklist Aram accidentally comes across a message on Samars phone that states This is Dan with NAA. Found speech pathologist for impairment therapy. When can you start? The acronym stands for the National Aphasia Association, which means that Samar has reached out to them for help with her speech and language difficulties. According to the NAAs website Aphasia is an impairment of language affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write. Aphasia is always due to injury to the brain.