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Spider-Man: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Andrew Garfield Movies

 In honor of The Amazing Spider-Man's ten year anniversary, here are the memes which perfectly sum up the short-lived franchise.

It's been ten years since the first Spider-Man reboot came out, and despite the lackluster response to The Amazing Spider-Man films, fans still clamor for a continuation of that universe. It offered up a darker, more grounded take on the character and famously introduced audiences to the comparable Andrew Garfield.

While many still hold animosity toward Sony for micromanaging the movies and killing the franchise, there's still hope that a third Amazing Spider-Man movie will be made so Garfield can charm audiences once again. It remains to be seen if such a film will ever be produced, but fans can always cling to the original movies and the memes they inspired to satisfy their needs.

Andrew Garfield gave one of the more intense performances as Peter Parker in his original films. He had to play a revenge-fueled vigilante who slowly learns the value of saving others while still inhabiting the more nerdy aspects of Peter Parker's character.In comparison to the dark tone of the first Amazing Spider-Man movie, Garfield's appearance in No Way Home is mostly used as comedic relief, something that is evidenced in the above meme where his standout moment is described as fixing Tobey's back. It's hilarious, but a poor representation of what his Spider-Man accomplished in his solo films.

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