Outer Banks is an American action adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. It is created by Josh Pate Jonas Pate and Shannon Burke. Initially the series premiered on Netflix on April 15 2020. Later In 2021 the series released a season 2 and it was renewed for a third season. Apparently The show follows a group of Pogue teenagers who live at The Cut and are determined to find out what happened to the missing father of the groups ringleader John B. Along the way they discover a legendary treasure that is tied to John Bs father.
Moreover Outer Banks has been a hit for Netflix since the series premiere. The second season held the No. 1 spot globally in Netflixs Top 10 TV list for the four weeks following its launch. Now that we know the third season is almost ready Following is everything we know about the upcoming season of Outer Banks.
Coming to the plotline we are not completely aware of the plotline at the moment. However as reported by US Weekly talking about the plotline of the season 3 show runner Josh Pate said The treasure hunt is going to expand and the mythology around the treasure hunt is going to evolve and get deeper. We are pretty fired up about how that mythology is going to expand in Season 3. We have been reading a lot of books and we got some good things to hang it on.
Sadly the show is not returning with a new season in 2022. However according to the reports Outer Banks Season 3 is likely to premiere in 2023.