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Fifty Shades of weird for Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan

 Dakota Johnson opens up about her relationship with Jamie Dornan and their  weird experience filming the blockbuster  Fifty Shades trilogy.

Dakota Johnson is calling BS on the rumors that she and her  Fifty Shades trilogy co star Jamie Dornan did not see eye to eye on the sets of the hugely successful films which combined earned more than a billion box office bucks. 

In a new Vanity Fair interview Johnson says she and Dornan banded together on what proved to be a difficult assignment, dispelling rumors that the two stars had some sort of a feud going on.E. L. James the author of the  Fifty Shades books had one vision for the films the producers had another. And the directors another. It was all a bit of a behind the scenes mish mash so it was important for Johnson and Dornan to stay united.We were doing the weirdest things for years and we needed to be a team We are not doing that or  You can not do that camera angle. But both Jamie and I were treated really well. Erika is a very nice woman and she was always kind to me and I am grateful she wanted me to be in those movies.She added Look it was great for our careers. So amazing. So lucky. But it was weird. So so weird.

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